Despite updates to Samsung's roadmap indicating that Android 10 for the Galaxy S9 and S9+ might be further out than expected, the company has just started pushing the latest Android build to first phones from 2018's lineup. In contrast to the Galaxy S10's extremely slow rollout, the update is already live in the US and a few countries in Europe. So far, Reddit users say they've received the update in Germany, Lithuania, Spain, and the US (on Xfinity), but since reports are only starting to trickle in, we might soon see Android 10 in many more locations and across more carriers. The update has the January security patch in tow and comes in at about 1.8GB to 2GB, depending on your device variant. It gives Galaxy S9 owners all the goodies from Android 10, including gesture navigation, dark mode, improved sharing, and much more. Samsung adds some of its own features on top, like a native screen recorder, quick settings changes, and general improvements to animations and...