Several old Samsung Galaxy S-series phones were suffering from the GPS issue, which the company has been fixing by delivering updates. Galaxy devices such as the Galaxy S8 from 2017, and the Galaxy S7 from 2016, have already bagged the GPS bug fix update, and now it is time for an even older series, the Galaxy S6 series from 2015. As reported by, Samsung is rolling out a new tiny update for the Galaxy S6 series that includes the vanilla Galaxy S6, the Galaxy S6 edge, and the Galaxy S6 edge+. The latest update has been spotted in the Netherlands and Belgium. Dutch Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 edge bought from Vodafone are picking up software versions G920FXXU6EVG1 and G925FXXU6EVG3 , respectively. On the other hand, the SIM-free Galaxy S6 and S6 edge+ in Belgium are picking up the update. The official changelog does not mention anything related to the GPS fix As usual, the update will arrive for the remaining Galaxy S6 models as well in the co...