WhatsApp's 'Expiring Media' feature was spotted in the latest beta version - Sprout Wired
WhatsApp Beta for Android has been released with version number This new version marks the introduction of a new feature called Expiring Media. As the name suggests, this feature will make media files disappear once viewed. Previously, this feature was seen in beta version
WhatsApp Expired Media Properties
WhatsApp feature tracker W. Shares of version Beta are shared showing that the messaging app will notify recipients about the feature via a pop-up message. This pop-up reads, “Media will disappear once you leave this conversation”. Specifically, the message will come when the media file is shared by this new feature. This can be done by clicking the Dedicate button next to the Ad Media shortcut.
One of the shared screenshots shows that once a recipient has a chat present, it will notify the app by saying “View photo expires”. In addition, there will be a button to enable the Expiring Media feature, which will activate the Wii One media files.
When to expect?
The latest beta version of WhatsApp refers to this new expiring media feature and is yet to be added to all users. Looking at the progress we’ve seen in recent days, we can expect that WhatsApp’s new feature will be available to beta testers soon. Also, end users are expected to receive this feature after successful beta testing although a specific time frame is unknown.
Without interruption, references to the Experiencing Messaging feature were explicitly seen in the WhatsApp beta for Android last month and are yet to be brought to the attention of beta testers. Already, Instagram allows users to send disappearing photos or videos via direct messages. With a large user base around the world, we can expect WhatsApp to take this experience to the next level of disappearing media files and messages.
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