
Macomb County library events week of Sept. 26 and beyond - The Macomb Daily

Chesterfield Township Library

• Online learning tools for young children up to adult learners are available with a free library card at Residents may also apply for a free card at the website.

• Online streaming and download services are also available at, including rbDigital, Hoopla, OverDrive/Libby and cloudLibrary for magazines, e-books and audiobooks, TV shows, music and more.

The library is located at 50560 Patricia, Chesterfield Township.

Clinton-Macomb Public Library

• Brush up on financial literacy at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 27 at the Main Library. Adults can learn how to get out of debt, build savings and find financial independence. Register online or call 586-226-5040.

• The library is offering various virtual events that all require registration, which can be done at A valid email address is required to access the events.

• CMPL is still offering usual book discussion groups and trivia nights online each month.  Register for events online at or call 586-226-5000.

Eastpointe Public Library

• Trivia Contest with Sandie and Dan Baker at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 27. Sign up individually or as a team. this is an after hours program. Participants will be told how to get into the library when they register. Space is limited.

• Mystery Book Club at 2 p.m. Sept. 28 at the library or via Zoom. Selection is 'Missing You' by Harlen Coben. Zoom ID: 574 703 3654.

• Author Paul Vachon presents "Lost Restaurants of Detroit." He talks about some of the favorite restaurants around Detroit in this program that was filmed at the library. it is available on the website

• Library is open for curbside service and phone reference service during regular hours. Patrons can place holds on items through the catalog or call to request materials.

• Library is open to the public. Masks must be worn and social distancing practiced. Patrons will have access to library materials, computers and copiers. Materials returned the library must be placed in the drop box.

• The library is offering virtual storytimes. Multiple storytimes and book talks for different age groups are set. Themes will change each week and videos will be posted on the Facebook page which is accessible from the library website, Anyone who comments on a Facebook post will automatically be entered into a biweekly raffle. Raffle prizes are gift cards to local restaurants.  Winners will be notified with a Facebook message.

• Patrons who live in Eastpointe may call the library with specific requests or a general request of a genre or author they like for librarians to make material selections. Books, movies, music and magazines are available for check out. Contact the library from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. at 586-445-5096 to make a request. Eastpointe residents who do not have a library card can also contact the library.

The library is located at 15875 Oak, Eastpointe. To contact the library call 586-445-5096.

Fraser Public Library

• Coding Club will meet the second Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. through Jan. 2022. This month will feature how to animate your name in the coding platform Scratch. Participants are asked to bring their own computers, but there will be up to eight in library computers available for use. Event well suited for those age 12 and up. Reserve a spot on the online event calendar.

• The library is gearing up for National Library card month to help students going back to school with the virtual library card program that offers studetns and their parents access to free tutoring and digital reading materials by using a school code, student ID and assigned PIN.

• Residents who apply for a library card in person or online in September will be entered into a gift card raffle.

• services are available for homework assistance with tutors in a variety of subjects. Visit and under the resources tab, select online databases. Students who don't have a library card can get a virtual library card from their school that will allow access to online library services, but not to check out books.

• Registration for all events is available under the events tab on the event calendar.

• Events are weather permitting. If rained out check the Facebook page for updates or modifications to events. Registration for events can be done on the website under the events tab and clicking on the event calendar.

• Face masks are optional inside the library for all patrons, regardless of vaccination status.

• Patrons may come in to browse the stacks, choose titles and have access to electronic services.

• A maximum of 27 patrons will be allowed in at one time. Each person entering will take a laminated card that will be at the entry to be sure the library does not exceed capacity. Rigorous cleaning schedule will still be followed and desk surfaces and computers will be disinfected between patrons.

• Computers will be available without reservation.

• Upon exiting the building patrons are asked to place their laminated card in the basket at the circulation desk to be disinfected for the next patron.

• Friends of the Library is selling face masks for $5 each at the library. Handcrafted masks in a variety of patterns and proceeds benefit the Friends of the Fraser Library so they can host programs at the library for the public.

• To check out a book or pick up a hold, call the library at 596-293-2055 from 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Monday-Thursday or 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday and Saturday.

• A librarian will assist patrons and staff will get requested items. When arriving at the library, remain in the car and call the library again to tell a staff member you are outside, along with your car model and which pick up spot you are parked in.

• Items will be on a cart pushed by a staff member. Allow them to step at least six feet away before getting out to get materials.  Masks or face coverings must be worn at all times.

• Materials brought back to the library must be placed in the drop box before or after the staff member comes outside. Returns will not be accepted on the cart for safety reasons.

• The library is open for curbside pick-up Monday to Thursday from 10 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. and Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Patrons who wish to checkout materials should call the library (586-293-2055) to checkout over the phone and then call again when they're in the parking lot.

• Librarians are available  from 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays to answer questions regarding the library's online databases. They are available by email at or live chat at Google Hangouts with the username

The library is located at 16330 14 Mile Road, Fraser.

Harrison Township Public Library

• Knitting and Crochet Circle 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Tuesdays, Sept. 7-Oct. 26. Knitters and crocheters of all levels are welcome. Please bring your own project and supplies.

• Pop Up Storytime 11 a.m. Mondays Sept. 13-Oct. 25 at Waterfront Park in the pavilion. Stories, dancing and fun with Miss Tina. All ages welcome. No registration required.

• Storytime  Shake Up via Facebook Live 10 a.m. Wednesdays Sept. 15-Dec 8 (except Nov. 24) Cool books will be read along with some dance, sing and do a fun craft some weeks. All ages welcome to watch. No registration required• Does Someone You Love Need Help? at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 21. Narcan kits will be available for free for those who register in advance. Learn about the nature and challenges of addiction and find out about local resources and treatments available in the community. A Q&A session will follow the presentation.

• Book Club at 7 pm. Sept. 28. Selection is 'The Vanishing Half' by Brit Bennett.

• Upcycling Journal Craft at 7 p.m. Sept. 29. Make an upcycled journal to record dreams, goals and achievements. All supplies will be provided. Register in advance on the library website or by calling 586-329-1261.

• Residents can request materials be delivered to their homes. Request materials, once notified they are ready for pickup, contact the library at 586-329-1261 to set up delivery time.

While pickups are not being scheduled for library returns at the moment, returns can be given to volunteers at a scheduled drop off.  Deliveries cannot be left in common areas and residents of apartments and other multi dwellings should schedule deliveries for when they are home to accept them. Volunteers will not enter a home for any reason. Deliveries will be rescheduled during inclement weather for safety of materials and volunteers.

• The library has implemented allowing residents to check out WiFi hotspots, which will provide internet access wherever needed, expanding service beyond the walls of the library. The hotspots will allow those without Internet to check it out from the library. It's a small device that can be used to access and connect wireless enabled devices such as laptops, smartphones or tablets. They are portable and are available to borrow for 14 days and will carry a $1 a day late fee if not returned on time. Devices more than 24 hours late will be deactivated.

The library is located at 38255 L'Anse Creuse St., Harrison Township. Register for classes where required at

MacDonald Public Library

• Movies at Burke Park 6-9 p.m. Oct. 8.  Movie is "Ghostbusters.'  Event will start at 6 p.m. with a themed storytime and craft. Movie will start at 7:15 p.m. Refreshment purchases include popcorn, cotton candy, chips and beverages which will raise funds for the Friends of the Library. Food trucks may be on site to purchase from as well if available. Movies are weather permitting and space for viewing is first come first serve.

To sign up for programs or find more events,  visit and click on "Events".

To contact the library, send us an email at or call (586) 725-0273. The library is open and available for visits Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Friday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

The library is located at 36480 Main St., New Baltimore.

Roseville Public Library

• The Library has reinstated the mask requirement for all people inside the library, except for those under age 2 and individuals unable to wear masks for medical reasons. Check with the library before your program date for current masking rules.

• Exotic Animal Program at 2 pm. Oct. 2. GP Zoology program to bring participants up close and personal with animals from Asia, Africa and South America. Registration required.

• Computers: Just the Basics at 7 p.m. Oct. 5. Technology librarian will discuss hardware of various devices, what the numbers mean and all the info you need to purchase a new computer. Program is recorded and will be posted on the library's web page and social media.

• Decluttering Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Part 2 at 7 p.m. Oct. 6.  Cleaning tips to sort and organize a busy household. Learn tips to find what you need when you need it.

• Booked for the Evening at 6:30 p.m. Oct. 7 in the library and on Zoom. Selection is 'The Hate U Give' by Angie Thomas. Welcome to join even if you haven't read the book. Meeting ID for Zoom: 824 3372 8798.

• Mystery Book Club at 10:30 a.m. Oct. 9. Selection is 'Fool Me Once' by Harlen Coben. Newcomers always welcome. For more information, call 586-739-7414 or email

• Evening Book Club at 6:30 p.m. Oct. 11. Selection is 'The Glass Hotel' by Emily St. John Mandel. Newcomers always welcome. For more information, call 586-739-7414 or email

• Book Bundles for children. Fill in the form that can be found on the website, social media or in the newsletter and choose up to three topics or themes and a librarian will put together five books and place them on hold for you to pick up.

• Book Match Submit a Book Match form that can be found on the website, social media or in the newsletter. More detailed responses will result in better recommendations. After finishing the form expect to receive a custom reading list within 10 business days.

• Homework Help offers live assistance from tutors.

• Librarians are offering chat reference on Facebook from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday at  Library patrons may continue to ask questions  through comments on the library's Facebook page and via email at

The library is located at 29777 Gratiot Ave., Roseville.

St. Clair Shores Public Library

• Storytime returns the week of Sept. 20. Programs of stories and music. Morning Storytime takes place at 10 a.m. Tuesdays for children of all ages with an adult. Evening Storytime at 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays for children of all ages with an adult. Registration required and can be done in person, by calling 586-771-9020 or emailing

• September is Library Card sign up month. St. Clair Shores residents who sign up for a new or replacement library card between Sept. 1 and 30 will be eligible to win a $10 Target gift card. Children who are five years old or enrolled in Kindergarten may sign up for their own library card. Gift card drawing will take place Oct. 1  and winners will be notified by library staff.  For more informaton, call 586-771-9020 or visit

• Morning Storytime returns at 10 a.m. Tuesdays the week of Sept. 20 for programs with stories and music for children of all ages with an adult. Registration is required starting Sept. 13 and can be done in person, by calling 586-771-9020 or emailing

• Evening Storytime returns at 6:30 p.m.  Tuesdays the week of Sept. 20 for programs with stories and music for children of all ages with an adult. Registration is required and can be done in person, by calling 586-771-9020 or emailing

• Children ages two and up are invited to create clothespin creatures with a fun Take and Make activity. Bags containing supplies to make them will be available in bins under the overhang outside the main library and available during library hours while supplies last starting Oct. 4.

• The Youth Services department, with the help of grant funding, has created 14 Explorer packs for children and families to check out. Each pack contains learning tools, non fiction books, activity sheets, identification guides and other manipulatives centered on an outdoor activity. Topics include insects, bird watching, astronomy water, hiking, plants and rocks.  To check out an Explorer pack or for more information, ask at the Youth Services Desk.

The library is located at 22500 E. 11 Mile Road, St. Clair Shores.

Shelby Township Library

• Preschool Pages meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays, Sept. 21-Dec. 14 (no storytime Nov. 23). Short stories, songs, lap bounces,  and playtime for children ages 3-5 with a caregiver. Registration opens Sept. 11 for Shelby Township residents. To register, call 586-739-7414 or email for more information.

• Toddler Tales meets at 10 or 11 a.m. Wednesdays, Sept. 22-Dec. 15 (no storytime Nov. 24) Short stories, songs, lap bounces,  and playtime for children ages 2-3 with a caregiver. Registration opens Sept. 11 for Shelby Township residents. To register, call 586-739-7414 or email for more information.

•Not Your Parents Book Club at 7 p.m. Sept. 28 at Senior Citizen Park. Weather permitting. Selection is 'Where'd You Go Bernadette' by Maria Semple. Newcomers always welcome.

• Stream Away: Learn How to Access Subscription Based Digital Content at 7 p.m. Sept. 28. Understand your streaming options and the technology to access it. Topics include Internet and technology requirements, terminology and various streaming services. Recorded program that will be on the library website and social media.

• Teen Council helps create teen displays, decorates the library and plans teen events. Earn community service hours every month for attending. Meets the first Thursday of every month at Senior Citizen Park behind the library. To join, call the library to request an application at 586-739-7414.

• Afterschool Teen Hangout for those in grades 7-12 at 3 p.m. Wednesdays (except Nov. 24 and Dec. 22). Drop by after school to pay some board and party games.

• Teen Book Box Club for those in grades 7-12. Book boxes contain personally selected books, treats and surprise goodies. Eat the treats, keep the goodies and return the books once read. Register by Sept. 18 for box available for pick up Oct. 2. Registration required.

• Technology Time for adults by appointment only. Services such as setting up new devices, downloading Beanstack, learning skills for a future library event and more. Call the library to make an appointment at 586-739-7414.

• Michigan Activity Pass and Library Card Program A library card can be a pass to savings at museums and  campsites across Michigan  through the Michigan Activity Pass  and Go Library Card program. The virtual program takes place at

• Pick My Books. Fill out a brief form with what you are in the mood to read and what you aren't interested in and someone will choose three items they think you will enjoy within three days they will be available for pick up at the check out desk. To use this service click on the 'Pick My Books' button at

• Mission Read Challenge.  Kids in grades K-3 can take on the mission to read for 1,000 days before grade six by reading whatever they want for as long as they wish. To start, sign up at When the goal is reached, report back to a librarian and there will be a surprise out of this world reward.

• 1,000 Books before Kindergarten. Set a goal to read 1,000 books to your child before they start kindergarten. Earn digital badges as you track your progress at your own pace. Sign up at Children will recieve a sticker for every 100 books read and a free book and tote when the 1,000 goal is reached. Show a librarian your digital badges to earn prizes.

Library events are added regularly. Check calendar at or follow

The library is located at 51680 Van Dyke, Shelby Township.

Sterling Heights Public Library

• Teen Writers' Series is 3 p.m. Sept. 27. Teens will be taught an introduction to short story writing.

• Toddler Time and Preschool Storytime will be offered  at 10:30 and 11:30 a.m. Tuesdays  Sept.  28. Registration is required.

• Tween Craft Night at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 28. Those ages 9-12 can make a fun and simple craft. Registration is required.

• The library is turning 50 years old and there will be a celebration at 2 p.m. Oct. 2. Patrons will enjoy cider and donuts, crafts and the songs of local musician Paula Messner.

• Creative Writers Workshop returns as an in person event at 6:30 p.m. Oct. 5. Share writing with other authors.

• Senior Book Group is 10 a.m. Oct. 6 at the Senior Center. Check the event calendar  for this month's titles.

• How Money Works at 6:30 p.m. Oct. 6. Learn budgeting and investing principles from licensed financial broker Pam Redford.

• Library cardholders can reserve a time to use the Maker's Space and its equipment from 5:30-8:30 p.m. Wednesdays

• The Upton House is open for self guided tours from 1-4 p.m. every Wednesday and second Sunday of the month. Register up to six people in a household.

For more information or to register, visit or call 446-2640.

• Sterling Heights Public Library will continue curbside materials service, phone service, and home delivery/outreach service on Monday – Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m., Friday from 1 to 5 p.m. and Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. In addition, 24/7 digital library services are available at The Library will be returning to virtual programming only.

•The Library has 12 new hotspots which can be checked out for a week at a time with a library card. Hotspots can be reserved by calling 586-446-2665 and pressing 3 for Adult Services or through the online catalog at an searching for "SHL HOTSPOT." Patrons will be notified their hotspot is ready by text, email or voicemail per their library account preference and then can pick it up via curbside service. The hotspots are packaged in protected, handheld cases. Each case includes the hotspot, a charging cable and a set of instructions.

• Residents with children and those staying home with safety concerns can take advantage of contactless deliveries of library materials to their doorstep. To utilize this service, residents can call 586-446-2665 and press 4 for home delivery. A library card is required to use the service.

• Residents may call the library to place holds on items, seek help with digital services, and ask general questions by calling 586-446-2665. The library staff is also ready to receive returns of library materials in our curbside book drop as well as the book drops that are attached to the building.

• Contactless curbside pickup available. Residents can place holds by calling the library or signing into their accounts online. Once available, patrons can drive up and park in one of the designated spaces, call the library and give them your card number and the color and make of vehicle.  Then unlock the trunk to have items dropped in without person to person contact.

• All electronic services will be available. Visit to access them.  If you don't have a library card, you can now apply for one at

• Virtual activities and storytimes will also be shared on the library's Facebook page

• Scheduled list of staff-led virtual programs available at

The library is located at 40255 Dodge Park Road, Sterling Heights.

Warren Civic Center Library

• Families that are residents of Warren and has a child between the ages of 3-5 is eligible to receive a free early literacy kit to help prepare children for their kindergarten year. Kits include two activity workbooks and an early reader book to practice sight words. Kits are available for pickup at the Warren Civic Center Library and will also be available at children's porgrams that are offsite. Children must be present for a kit to be issued.

• Library also has purchased Playaway Launchpads which are tablets that are preloaded with educational preschool games and are available for checkout with a library card.

The library is located at 1 City Square, Suite 100, Warren.

Warren Public Library

• Any Warren resident who gets a new library card or checks out materials using an existing library card during the month of September can enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card. Stop by the circulation desk for an entry form.

Suburban Library Cooperative

* The Suburban Library Cooperative has launched a year long campaign 'Libraries: Your Bridge to the World'. Each month the campaign will highlight a different library service or event, including the Virtual Library Card program, March is Reading Month, Money Smart week, local history and genealogy resources, technology resources and Summer Reading programs.

All Macomb County libraries, as part of the Suburban Library Cooperative, subscribe to RB Digital which over 100 digital magazines that can be checked out immediately. They also offer educational services through, which provides homework help, test preparation and term paper and resume review.  Students can use their student ID number to access those services.

— Macomb Daily staff 

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